Thursday, May 8, 2008

Back Aboard

We spent Wednesday driving another van lot of essential supplies to St Charles. This trip included the crew. Neither of the kitties have ever driven more than half an hour in the car. So, a ten hour trip was some day, but both did just fine. The drive was uneventful until the last 80 miles when it began to rain, then rain so heavy we almost pulled over to wait it out. Before we got to the boat it let up to just a steady drizzle.

We unloaded the kitties and they began a long night of exploring their new surroundings. We unload half the car and then we crashed, it was along day.

The worst of the rain was west of St Louis, with some areas getting over two inches Wed. This flows into the Missouri river then into the Mississippi down stream from where we are. The forecast for us is no higher than before just slower to go down.

It has been to wet and we have been to busy for pictures. I will try and post some tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad to hear you made it. Water in Oconomowoc started ti go down Thursday.